Awards &
Bay Area Healthiest Employer—2nd Place
The Bay Area Healthiest Employers Awards evaluates the robustness of nominees’ wellness programs in six key categories: Leadership Commitment, Strategic Planning, Foundational Components, Programming and Interventions, Communication and Marketing and Reporting and Analytics.
Phoenix Healthiest Employer—4th Place
The Phoenix Healthiest Employer annual awards recognize those companies that are improving the well-being of their workers through a variety of innovative methods.
American Heart Association—Silver
The American Heart Association has defined best practices for employers to use to build a culture of health for their employees in the workplace. The American Heart Association’s Workplace Health Achievement Index measures the extent to which the company has implemented those workplace health best practices. Companies recognized at the Silver level have achieved an Index score of 130–174 out of a maximum 217 points.
Americas Best Tamp
Voted the best overall TAMP in 2023 by The Wealth Advisor
Top 10 People to Watch in Wealth Management in 2024
CEO Michael Kim was named one of Barron’s 10 People to Watch in Wealth Management in 2024
COO of the Year
Carrie Hansen voted COO of the Year for 2023 by OnCon
Top 10 Operations Team
Named among top 10 Operations teams for 2023 by OnCon
Most Influential Gatekeeper
Named among the 20 Most Influential Gatekeepers for 2023 by Citywire
Top Investment Solutions Platform Leader
Zoë Brunson recognized among top five platform leaders for 2023 by Wealth Solutions Report
ThinkAdvisor Luminaries Class of 2023—Finalist
AssetMark for Firmwide Executive Leadership
- 2023 Wealthies—Finalist
AssetMark’s 2022 Digital Maintenance & Enhancements for Best TAMP Initiative
Cigna Well-Being Award—Silver Level Recognition
This award is a distinct honor for workplaces that are cultivating outstanding cultures of well-being in areas such as leadership, organizational foundations, policy and environment and program implementation and participation.
Bay Area Healthiest Employer—3rd Place
The Bay Area Healthiest Employers Awards evaluates the robustness of nominees’ wellness programs in six key categories: Leadership Commitment, Strategic Planning, Foundational Components, Programming and Interventions, Communication and Marketing and Reporting and Analytics.
Phoenix Healthiest Employer—5th Place
The Phoenix Healthiest Employer annual awards recognize those companies that are improving the well-being of their workers through a variety of innovative methods.
Illinois Healthiest Employer—Finalist
The Illinois Healthiest Employers awards program honors employers that are dedicated to creating a healthy workplace through their worksite health and wellness programs.
American Heart Association—Silver level
The American Heart Association has defined best practices for employers to use to build a culture of health for their employees in the workplace. The American Heart Association’s Workplace Health Achievement Index measures the extent to which the company has implemented those workplace health best practices. Companies recognized at the Silver level have achieved an Index score of 130–174 out of a maximum 217 points.
- AssetMark named one of the 20 Most Influential Gatekeepers by Citywire
- AssetMark named Asset Manager Platform Of The Year by Wealth Solutions Report
- AssetMark named one of 2022 America’s Best TAMPs by The Wealth Advisor
- AssetMark named a finalist in the 2022 Industry awards for our Digital Lead Generation program
- Michael Kim named AAPI Asset Management Leader of the Year by Wealth Solutions Report
American Heart Association, Workplace Health Achievement Index, 250–749 worksite size category: Silver Level Recognition
Cigna Well-Being Award, Northern California Region: WINNER
Bay Area Healthiest Employers, 500–1,499 employees: SECOND PLACE
Illinois Healthiest Employers, 500–1,499 employees: SECOND PLACE
Phoenix Healthiest Employers, 500–1,499 employees: SECOND PLACE